Fujifilm FinePix XP80 Review

2431 日 前, 101 観覧
USA Link: http://www.amazon.com/Fujifilm-FinePi...Canada Link: http://www.amazon.ca/Fujifilm-FinePix...*Prices may vary as time goes on so the price may not be the same at the time you are viewing this video.This is a review of a product called the Fujifilm XP Digital WaterProof Shockproof camera. It is generally nice and rugged. I would have no problem using this underwater as it seems very robust and strong. It is a relatively attractive digital camera and is sure to catch the eye. This was NOT a paid endorsement and is no way brought to you by FujiFilm Digital.Apologize for the stuttering as I had to make this video quick and I have not done a video in quite a while.


