X-T20 Review - 90% X-T2 for 1/2 the price!

2430 日 前, 249 観覧
The Great Budget Fuji for the masses & an awesome B Camera! XT20 on Amazon➡ http://geni.us/8DxeI B&H➡ https://bhpho.to/2jH5deH18-55mm on Amazon➡ http://geni.us/nG0yM8i35mm 1.4 on Amazon➡ http://geni.us/5bYfwfMy favorite Rokinon Manual Lenses:50mm 1.2 on Amazon➡ http://geni.us/8Nqkr135mm 2.0 on Amazon➡ http://geni.us/L2MBv21mm 1.4 on Amazon➡ http://geni.us/vWs912mm 2.0 on Amazon➡ http://geni.us/qdKw00:01:23 - Ergonomics00:03:26 - Photos00:04:56 - 18-55mm Lens00:06:11 - Video00:08:11 - Lowlight00:08:43 - Video AF/MF00:11:28 - IBIS00:12:43 - ConclusionIf you enjoy our content please consider supporting us on Patreon. Even $2 a month helps us make more and better content for you! https://www.patreon.com/MaxYuryev10% off unlimited yearly music licensing on Soundstripe (what I use for all my videos) use coupon code "Max" here: http://soundstripe.grsm.io/e/6lv------------------------------------------------------------------Best alternatives for paid video work:G85 Amazon➡ http://geni.us/jEyA76A A6300 B&H➡ https://bhpho.to/2mjlM51XT2 Amazon➡ http://geni.us/mtKGyz------------------------------------------------------------------This Review was Shot using:Camera on Amazon➡ http://geni.us/bffB4nALens on Amazon➡ http://geni.us/dmcMpaMic on Amazon➡ http://geni.us/rEtpFA1If you buy through these links it supports my channel! Thank you! ------------------------------------------------------------------Follow Max on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MaxYuryevFollow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/MaxYuryevFollow on Snapchat: http://www.snapchat.com/add/MaxYuryev-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-PRIVACY POLICY and FULL DISCLOSURE:°Max Yuryev is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com°Max Yuryev is a participant in the B&H Photo Video affiliate program that provides an advertising commission if you purchase through our links. °If you purchase something from our affiliate links will get a small commission with no extra cost to you. This makes it possible for us to make more videos. Thank you! °We DO NOT collect, store, use, or share any data about you.-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-


