Nikon Coolpix S9600 Review

2432 日 前, 183 観覧
This video is Nikon Coolpix S9600 Review after full one month use. In this review for this camera i have covered every thing, starting from Weight of the camera, design of the camera, Zoom, day video and low light video of the camera.Nikon Coolpix S9600 comes with 22x optical ( it is the USP of the camera), Full HD video recording, Motion vibration reduction, limited manual mode for selecting ISO setting's in the Camera.I had conducted a moon test with this camera and it came out really awesome. I think the test i conducted was the first Zoom test of moon conducted with a compact point and shoot camera.Now lets look in to some features of Nikon Coolpix S9600:1) Weight : Light weight but still feels heavy when compared to low budget camera. The reason could be the long zoom lens.2) Design : Perfectly design. The problem is only at placement of flash. But for me the flash has been placed at a very cool place.3) Low light performance: It is impressive. You should see the end of the video where i conduct low light test with different light setups.4) Image quality: Image quality is good to perfect, depends on lighting. In low light the Image has a bit of noise. But is usable for printing 4 x 6 photos and even for bigger.5) High zoom: It is not fully usable indoors. Only 10x Zoom is enough for Indoors. 6) Flash: Flash is wonderful. but avoid at day time. At night the flash doesnot have the reach as zoom has. So make sure that you have ample lighting when using zoom of the camera. Addition information about NIkon Coolpix S9600 is that:1) It is a runner up to the flagship Nikon Coolpix S9700.2) It carries many features similar to the Nikon Coolpix S9500 which also 22x Zoom. 3) This camera perfectly replaces the NIkon Coolpix S9500.I am also making another video explaining the setting and internal feature and a tutorial on wifi setup.Please also watch the Moon Zoom test.These are my social media links: hope you have enjoyed this video. Please like and comment on this video and share this video so that i can be able to make more video'sThanks for Watching.


