Fujifilm X30 vs. Leica D-Lux (Typ 109) - Part 1

2439 日 前, 66 観覧
Welcome to the first installment of "Gear Heads are People Too" here on HeyDontShoot.comToday we bring you Part 1 of a compact point and shoot, "shoot out". Comparing the Fujifilm X30 and the Leica D-Lux (Typ 109).Part 1 features sample images and video from the Fujifilm X30, a fantastic point and shoot that captures stunning images. It features a 12.0 megapixel CMOS II 2/3 inch sensor in a compact, yet well-built body.Please leave a comment, tell us what you think of the Fujifilm X30 and be sure to subscribe to our channel.


