DREAMS, The Travel Photographer Kenny Sim by LUMIX GH4

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DREAMSKenny SimWhat color is your dream? Do you see rainbows? Some say, dreams are made of imaginations. I dreamed of the white bricks in Santorini, the blue water in Sipadan Island, the golden sunlight at Golden Gate Bridge, the red rocks in Antelope Canyon,and the rainbow splash of Niagara Falls. But these are not imaginations. I marked them with every single footprint. I preserved them with thousands and thousands of snaps. I kept their stories deep in my memory. Camera, ready. Lenses, ready. Aperture, shutter, ISO, all set. Breathe. Seize the moment. The wind blows melody, sun lit up the ambient. Listen, they are whispering in my ear. And stories are about to be told. Life is about being courage and exploring the unknown. Pack your bag, go out, and start taking photograph. PHOTOS TO IMPRESS, 4K VIDEOS TO INSPIREThis film is shot entirely on LUMIX GH4.■ MORE INFO: http://www.panasonic.com/my/consumer/...■ LUMIX GH4: http://www.panasonic.com/my/consumer/...=======================================■ WEBSITEOfficial........................http://www.panasonic.com/myClub Panasonic...........http://club.panasonic.com.my/Online Store................https://direct.panasonic.com.my/■ FACEBOOKPanasonic Malaysia.....http://www.facebook.com/mypanasonicLumix Club..................http://www.facebook.com/mylumixclubBeauty........................http://www.facebook.com/mypanasonicbe...■ YOUTUBE................http://www.youtube.com/user/panasonicmy


