Detailed comparison Fuji X-T20 to Fuji X-T2

2441 日 前, 127 観覧
A comprehensive and detailed comparison and review of the Fuji X-T20 and X-T2 cameras, with side-by-side demos. Includes burst mode, touch focus and video features.Related videos:My detailed review of the X-T20: Video settings for the X-T20: FUJIFILM has updated their website to confirm that both have the same LCD resolution - thanks to Wonjin Seol.Additional notes:The X-T2 includes the EF-X8 external flashIn CH burst, the X-T20 supports face detection, the X-T2 does not (thanks Dmitry Brodsky)The X-T20 supports SD UHS I, UHS II is supported on the X-T2's #1 slot. The X-T20 EVF refresh is 56 fps, X-T2 100fps. The X-T20 has no audio level display while recording video, the X-T2 does.The X-T20 may overheat while recording video within the first 30 minutes. The X-T2 will run without overheating for over an hour.The gear I use and recommend: pay the same low price, I get a small commission)More reviews, how-to and behind the scenes notes at up-to-date U$ pricing of the Fuji X-T20 kit at B&H: X-T2 kit at B&H: XF16-55 lens at B&H: and Host: Maarten HeilbronWEBSITE/BLOG: http://maartech.comTWITTER: maarten.heilbron@gmail.comI do read and respond to all comments, which are moderated. If you leave a relevant and civil comment without links (which are filtered by youtube) it will be posted.For your guidance - The products reviewed are on loan, and returned after the review unless otherwise mentioned. I am not sponsored by any manufacturer. My relationship with Fuji: In exchange for assistance with their video production, Fuji has provided the extended loan of a Fuji X-T2, XF-16-55 and XF50-140 lenses.I am not compensated for my reviews except through Google Adwords. The B&H links are affiliate links, I do receive a small commission - but please do not allow this to influence your purchase decision. I would encourage you to visit and support your local photo/video retailer.


