Spyros Heniadis and I have a chat about the new Pentax KP that was just announced

2428 日 前, 124 観覧
UPDATE : In the video, we mentioned we thought the camera would only come with one grip. From information gathered after this video was made, it seems the camera will come with all the optional grips. This is good news and a smart move on the Pentax side.In this video Spyros and myself have a chat about the new Pentax KP and some of the interesting features it has to offer. We talk about it's high ISO range, the speed of the electronic shutter plus lots of the other features. We also discuss where it potentially sits in the Pentax lineup.Find me online..http://www.markeversphotography.comhttp://www.facebook.com/markeversphot...http://www.500px.com/eccs19https://www.instagram.com/markeversph...http://markeversphotography.pixieset....


