FUJIFILM X100F Settings for Street Photography – Tokyo, Japan

2425 日 前, 142 観覧
Best Fujifilm X100F settings for travel/ street photography — Tokyo, Japan• Get my Lightroom presets to edit photos: http://allam.co/presets• SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/AllamJoe... BLOG https://joeallam.co.uk--* Check out the Fujifilm X100FAmazon – http://allam.co/x100f* X100F Lens HoodAmazon – http://allam.co/jjc-hood--P.S. I'm aware there's dust on the screen... it bothers me more than it bothers you. Honestly.P.P.S. It's in the next video as well...--QUESTIONS? — Check my FAQs first: http://joeallam.co.uk/faqFollow me on social media — @joeallamhttp://joeallam.co.uk/socialSubscribe to my other channelhttp://youtube.com/JellyJourneys--SOME INFORMATIVE VIDEOSHow I edit my photos – https://youtu.be/q2imP2anN1QTokyo street photography with the Fujifilm X100F – https://youtu.be/l5bbNyMhKlgFujifilm X100F review – https://youtu.be/-YEwPnVOTpwThe gear I use for making videos – https://youtu.be/iGtaIqDLQzIWhat's in my travel camera bag – https://youtu.be/vNloRVUCmvs--CAMERA EQUIPMENT(links will open in a new tab to Amazon and other destinations)VIEW ALL MY GEARhttp://allam.co/gear* VIDEO EDITING SOFTWAREhttp://allam.co/ppcc* VLOG CAMERAAmazon – http://allam.co/a7rii* VLOGGING LENSAmazon – http://allam.co/zeiss35* VLOG MICROPHONEAmazon — http://allam.co/videomicro* PHOTOGRAPHY CAMERAAmazon — http://allam.co/7dii* STREET PHOTOGRAPHY CAMERAAmazon – http://allam.co/x100f* SQUARE LENS HOODAmazon – http://allam.co/jjc-hood * = Any links marked with an asterisk are uniquely affiliated with me and help support this channel at no extra cost to you!--A lot of you have been asking about all the settings I use with my Fujifilm X100F, including what Fuji film simulations and other custom alterations I have made to my camera. I absolutely love this camera for street photography, especially when walking around Tokyo, Japan. There’s just something incredible enjoyable about the Fuji X100F (and all Fujifilm cameras to be honest) and I just love shooting with it. All of the images shared in this video have been shot with the X100F and then edited using my presets, which are now available to download at http://allam.co/presetsSubscribe to this channel to get notified of future videos, including more related to the Fujifilm X100F and even more from Japan.--MUSICMusic by Chillhop: http://youtube.com/chillhopdotcomBONUS POINTS - Long Exposure: https://soundcloud.com/bonuspointsListen on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ChillhopSpotifyIf you're a music producer, please get in touch—I'm on a major lookout for new artists!WANT TO WORK WITH ME? — press@joeallam.co.uk


