Canon PowerShot ELPH 160, 170 IS, 180 vs. 190 IS | Pocketcamera vs. iPhone

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Hello YouTube, hello dear followers, girls, boys and beginners,Good morning, good afternoon and good evening to all you in the world. Today I will review the Canon PowerShot ELPH 160, 170, 180 and 190 IS. Two of them are equipped with an image stabilizer that does a pretty good job. Namely the ELPH 170 IS and the ELPH 190 IS.In Germany and I think in some other countries as well, those cameras called Canon IXUS 160, 170, 175 and 180.All of them fit into your pocket due to their small size. They are very easy to handle. None of them has a touch display. If you like to shoot some video, no big deal, press the button with the red dot in the middle to start and stop recording, 720p videos.Unfortunately, none of them features 1080p video recording. But let’s see how they perform in terms of photo and video quality in this review.Daniel#thumbs up#subscribe#shareThanksMEHR ÜBER MICH UND MEINE ARBEIT / MORE ABOUT MEwww.danielsfotos.comMEINE KAMERA / MY CAMERA OBJEKTIVE / MY LENSES MIKROFONE / MY MICROPHONES STATIV / MY TRIPOD / CUTTING SOFTWAREhttp://adobe.comAdobe Premiere Pro and After Effects always the newest versionDOWNLOADS,67084614/iphone5...,13727126/iphone6...,85918181/IXUS160...,13149088/IXUS170...,91244250/IXUS180...,21458006/IXUS190...



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