Sony RX100 IV M4 VS RX100 III M3 Video Test (Which one is better?)

2386 日 前, 50 観覧
Sony RX100 IV M4 VS RX100 III M3 Video TestThis is the Sony RX100 M4 VS M3 video comparison. Early last week, I have tested it out the RX100 M4. And I was very surprised how great the video quality was. So I’m kinda curious the quality between M4 and M3. To be fair in the test, I have set both cameras in 1600ISO. Because the minimum ISO for S-log 2 Picture Profile is 1600 on the Mark IV. The mark III I can only go with the Neutral colour. But when I put the footage side by side, I found that the Mark III looked really soft at 1600ISO. And you get more noisy footage comparing with Mark IV too. I guess because the RX100 Mark III wasn’t design for high ISO. But I had to get the same setting for both cameras. So I had no choice. But for daily use, anything below 1600ISO, the Mark III still gives you pretty good result. So what you guys think? Which one do you think looks better?DSI Pictures Entertainment 2015Filmed and edited by Steve Chanwww.dsipictures.comComing up: Sony A7RII video Test (Working on it)
タグ: rx100, rx100, video, which, better


