SONY a6300 Video Test

2264 日 前, 43 観覧
S-log3を試してみましたが、ノイズやカラーバンディングが目立つようです。ドクターイエローが撮れたのはラッキーでした。my blog : : SONY a6300lens : SONY E PZ 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 OSS @daylens : SONY Sonnar T* FE 55mm F1.8 ZA @nightcolor grading : VisionColor ImpulZ( Kodak Vis3 50D 5203 (DP)_FPE @nightDELUTS( Madeira @daymusic : The Invisible by Roger Subirana Mata used S-log3(PP9) in this video. But I don't recommend S-log3(noise and color banding...).You should shoot with S-log2(PP7).F5.6-F8@day(with Tiffen variable ND filter),F1.8-F5.6@night,SS1/50,ISO800-6400,AWBshoot in over exposure( 1EV - 2EV).color grading:I'm using Lumetri color in Adobe Premiere Pro. 0.preparing... start Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015. make cinemascope ratio sequense.put clip in time line.1.create adjustment layer and put above the clip.2.add Lumetri color in adjustment LUT in Lumetri color.4.add Lumetri color in the clip.5.change parameters as follows(example for night footage). contrast:-25,high light:-50,shadow: 50,white: 35,black:-25 reduce red in RGB curve 6.adjust brightness with exposure parameter in each clip.
タグ: a6300, sony, α6300, tokyo, japan


