Understanding the Panasonic Lumix FZ150, part 3 - A,S and M modes explained

2409 日 前, 149 観覧
In this video I take a look at the Aperture priority mode, Shutter priority mode and full Manual operation of the FZ150 camera. Whilst A mode allows you to set aperture depending upon the depth of field you need Shuuter priority allows you to set a shutter speed suitable to capture your image, for example sports photography or other fast moving sports. Both use the camera metering to establish correct exposure automatically. In contrast the Manual mode allows you to independently set aperture and shutter speed to get the right exposure using the camera based exposure indicator. With some practical illustrations of how to set up each mode the video should fill in the missing information in the user manual.My other FZ150 Camera videos http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...


