2427 日 前,
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2427 日 前,
113 観覧
Fly Society is a new film directed by Tim Georgeson shot in New York about his experience shooting with the new X-100T camera.The film and stills series follows Joshua Jones aka "Clutch" and his friends who skate with the Uptown Longboard Society, the film follows them as they fly through the streets of the Bronx and Harlem.On this occasion the camera used was the Fujifilm X-E2 in manual focus with post processing in Adobe After Effects (lighting, titles and grading) and Abode Premier (zooming and audio sync). The microphone used was the Rode Lav Mic. Audio was synced to the video in post processing.Future episodes will be recorded using either the Fujifilm X-E2 or X-T1.Thanks to:Josh aka ClutchTarzanSalvatoreHakim& Yo