Fujifilm MIC-ST1 Microphone & Fuji X20 Test

2407 日 前, 161 観覧
Fujifilm MIC-ST1 Microphone & Fuji X20 Test ... Check out how this microphone performs.See the unboxing & first look here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieiYL-...UK - Buy this product here http://amzn.to/11xRyvVUSA - Buy this product here http://amzn.to/185FlBxHelp Support the Geekanoids Channel - it's FREE !!!UK Viewers http://bit.ly/GeekUKUSA Viewers http://bit.ly/GeekUSAThe Geekanoids Channel covers technology news & reviews and publishes new content on a daily basis. For the very best tech related content, be sure to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss out on our future videos.Useful LinksSupplied by http://www.fujifilm.eu/uk/Vlog Channel http://www.youtube.com/geekvloggz/Website http://www.geekanoids.co.uk/Twitter http://www.twitter.com/geekanoids/Facebook http://www.facebook.com/geekan0ids/Google http://bit.ly/GeekGPlus/Tumblr http://geekanoids.tumblr.com/ Any Amazon links that appear in the video description are affiliate links. They do not alter the price you pay. Geekanoids earns a small commission on each sale.


