[4K] Nikon D500 屋久島 生命宿る白谷雲水峡 Healing Green Yakushima

2208 日 前, 189 観覧
7月12日~16日に世界遺産屋久島へ行ってきました。晴れたり曇ったりと、目まぐるしい天気でしたが、素晴らしい場所でした。もののけ姫のモデルになったと言われる白谷雲水峡の4K映像です。ゆっくり撮影したかったので、ガイドさんはつけませんでしたが、声をかけると、皆様親切に色々教えてくれました。Yakushima (屋久島) is a subtropical island off the southern coast of Kyushu and part of Kagoshima Prefecture. It is covered by an extensive cedar forest that contains some of Japan's oldest living trees. Trees more than 1000 years old are affectionately called yakusugi (a combination of Yakushima and sugi, the Japanese word for cedar), the most ancient of which may be over 7000 years old.The island's cedar forests were logged extensively in the past, particularly during the Edo Period for the production of cedar shingles. Today the forests have well recovered from past logging and are a national park, while some areas were declared a Natural World Heritage Site in 1993. Most tourists come to the island to hike through the forests and see the ancient cedar trees.As a subtropical island with nearly 2000 meter high mountains, Yakushima attracts a lot of rainfall around the year, with a local saying claiming that it rains "35 days a month". While that may be an exaggeration, there is some rain almost on a daily basis, especially in the mountainous interior, although the rain can also be light and limited to short periods of time. In higher elevations the precipitation falls as snow during the winter months.撮影機材Nikon D500 & AF-S 10-24mm (白谷雲水峡 リアルタイムムービー)Nikon D810 & AF-S 24-70mm (8K タイムラプス)SONY PXW-Z100 (日の出シーン)Electric Slider Systemバリアブル NDフィルター編集Mac Book Pro Retina & REGZA 4K TVAdobe Premiere Pro CC,After Effecrs CC音楽●サイト名⇒ 甘茶の音楽工房(英語表記=Music Atelier Amacha)●作曲者⇒ 甘茶(英語表記=Amacha)●URL⇒ http://amachamusic.chagasi.com/滞在したホテルシーサイドホテル屋久島あってよかった物ジップロック (バッテリーや小物を雨から防ぐのに役立ちました)よく晩御飯を食べに行った店潮騒Follow Masaki Hani・Web site :http://sahaentertainment.com・Twitter :https://twitter.com/masakisaha・Flicker :https://goo.gl/IMHP2n・Contact :contact@sahaentertainment.com・Instagram :https://www.instagram.com/masaki_hani...・YouTube :http://www.youtube.com/c/SahaEntertai...・500px :https://500px.com/masaki_hani・vimeo :https://vimeo.com/user22386750Please Subscribehttps://www.youtube.com/user/TrickBus...


