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UPDATE: go to http://kyleclements.com/blog/2013/d70... to see a comparason of RAW images taken from each camera.Skip ahead to 2:15 to jump right to the ISO comparisonsEver since I posted my D600 Dust timelapse video, I've been getting messages from people asking me for more details about how the D600 compares to the D70. Rather than continuing to address these messages individually, I thought I would make a video to answer each of the questions for everyone.In this video, I compare the ISO performance between the Nikon D70, released in 2004, and the D600 which was released in 2012.Obviously, the D600 is the winner. But by how much? what does a winner look like? Most high-ISO tests are done in unrealistic situations, and bear little resemblance to situations where a photographer would need to use high ISO settings in real life. In this video, I perform an admittedly unscientific, subjective test, comparing the noise and image quality of the D70 with the D600, and discover a 3-stop advantage on the lower end, and a 4 stop advantage on the higher end.The results are what you get from a straight-out-of-camera JPEG, with no fancy filtering or photo-shopping or sharpening or curves. I wanted to show what kind of results you get when you just pick up the camera and go, without having to fuss with too many settings or doing anything in post.ISO 1600 on a D600 is just as clean as ISO 200 on a D70.ISO 6400 on a D600 has the same amount of noise as ISO 800 on the D70.This current generation of cameras is awesome, and if you love shooting in low light, this is an amazing time to be a photographer!note: The test I preformed was done entirely on photos straight out of the camera. Some of the pictures used in this video have had slight curves adjustments and sharpening performed to compensate for how H.264 video softens textures and darkens shadows, or to emphasize what I was looking for. This was an entirely subjective test._________________________________________http://kyleclements.com