2320 日 前,
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2320 日 前,
237 観覧
One of the my viewers pointed out that I hadn't covered using the Coolpix P610 for shooting macros. With this video, I hope I address that missing piece of information.In this video I discuss using the Coolpix P610 close-up mode for shooting what many refer to as macro photos. While this provides very good close-up photos, they are not true macro photos, which require at least a full-size image on the sensor. To add to the excellent close-up capability, I add the Raynox DCR-250 macro adapter to the Coopix P610. This provides excellent macro capability.I also include a sample of focus-stacking. This provides more depth of field by using multiple photos stacked with software.I hope this video creates more interest in shooting close-up and macro photos with this great camera.All macro shots were done with the Nikon Coolpix P610, either in close-up focus mode or with the Raynox DCR-250 adapter. Still documentation photos were shot with the Panasonic DMC-TZ5. Video documentation was shot with the Panasonic HC-V250 camcorder. Focus stacking frames were shot with the P610 and the Raynox DCR-250 mounted on a modified version of my Universal Camera Time-Lapse Slider to make it a motorized focusing rail. Focus stacking was done with enfuse.exe from the Hugin installatiion. Final video was created using Sony Movie Studio.