Canon EOS M2 Low Light Video Test

2359 日 前, 158 観覧
I used my trusty Canon EOS M2 for this video test, 22mm F2.0 lens with Visioncolor picture style. I never go above ISO 800 for low light video. The Canon EOS M2 is a solid low-light performer with a fast lens. Compared to my old Canon EOS M, the Canon EOS M2 feels a bit snappier when taking photos and has wi-fi transfer which I find to be very useful. The image/video quality may be slightly better, but everything else is more or less identical to the original M. To all of my folks who can't afford a full frame Canon DSLR, the EOS M is an amazingly affordable option. I do not own the rights to this music. Song: Proceed by The Roots


