Canon 17-40mm f/4 USM 'L' lens review with samples (full frame and APS-C)

2337 日 前, 265 観覧
Canon 'L' lenses have a reputation for extremely high picture quality - but what about older designs? The Canon 17-40mm f/4 'L' is clearly a great ultra wide angle lens for full frame cameras, but what are its shortcomings, and how would it perform on modern full frame and APS-C cameras? Remember, I love Canon 'L' lenses just as much as everyone else, but...I have to be completely objective in my reviews. See what you think.If you've found this or other videos I've made to be helpful, then support me on Patreon! pictures and footage taken by me on Canon 6D and 60D cameras.Be sure to follow my Photostream on Flickr, to see sample pictures of lenses I've reviewed and to see previews of upcoming lenses, too! by Kevin Macleod, 'Opportunity Walks' (


