Nikon D850 vs Nikon D4 5 Years of WHAT Sensor IQ and High ISO Comparison

2281 日 前, 184 観覧
This is my comparison of those two Nikon sensors. Nikon D850 vs Nikon D4 5 Years of WHAT. Nothing scientific but in my opinion there is a difference between those two sensor but not that much and certainly not what we wanted from 5 years of improvements, so take a look and tell me what you think :D I am going to do more videos like this one and also videos about photography topics that i dont agree with most of the current Youtubers and their tutorials and advice about stuff and how to videos so basically i will be doing videos about my opinions and findings thru my photography work i guess :DWebsite:- (Still under construction) You can also find me on Flickr and IG:-Flickr:



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