VLOG | Europe Travelogue with Sony RX100M5A - 짧은 유럽여행 브이로그

2298 日 前, 176 観覧
안녕하세요, 지니입니다!지난 달 엄마와 함께 동유럽으로 늦은 여름휴가를 다녀왔어요엄마랑 같이 다니는 여행이라 평소처럼 까불거리며 브이로그는 못 찍었지만,열심히 다니며 유럽 이곳저곳 알차게 담아왔답니다!(열정 넘치게 찍어 왔는데, 막상 편집하려니 쓸 만한 영상이 없었다는 게 함정이지만요...!)Hi, this is Jeannie!I have been to Europe with my mom last month, and I made a very short travelogue!I could not vlog as I used to do with Shawn as I was with my mom LOLbut I tried to capture beautiful moments so that I can share with you all.Hope you enjoy watching :)INSTAGRAMShawn: https://www.instagram.com/_shawn__j/Jeannie: https://www.instagram.com/jeannnieee/
タグ: vlog, travelogue


