Sony A7RII A7R II M2 4K Video Test Part Two (Lowlight Test)

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Due to the YouTube Compression, here is the 28secs Raw Video link attached below A7RII M2 Video Test Part One (Day Test)Hi there, this is the Sony A7RII M2 Part 2 Video Test. This is the camera that I have been waiting for so long. I pre-ordered mine since they first announced. But Australia was a bit slow getting the camera in stock. But finally I received the camera last Wednesday. And because I got a Wedding shoot over the Weekend in Melbourne, I was like why not taking the new camera and do the video test over there. The camera was just awesome. I spent over 3 days in Melbourne working on the video. And I shot way too much clips. So why not making this video into 2 parts. The first part will be the A7RII day shoot. Then the second part will be the night high ISO shoot. So after few days of using the camera so far. I really enjoyed of using it. There are few reasons why I like this camera. Firstly, "The Sensor size". This is the world first Mirrorless full frame camera featuring internal 4K recording in such a small camera body. Because I’m a traveller as well. I always like to take my camera with me on holiday. So camera size is one of the main concern for me. Having a light camera body makes my life so much easier. Secondly, "5 Axis Image Stabilization”. This camera has an awesome build in image stabilisation. It works great with my prime lenses. Thirdly, "Internal 4K". As I have mentioned I always take my camera with me on holiday. I got an a7s. But I never shot 4K video when I go on holiday. Not Because I didn’t want to. Its because of the Atomos Shogun 4K Recorder size. When I shoot with the Shogun, I need so much extra set up. Because the recorder is big. After you have installed all your SSD hard drive and the massive Sony L series battery. The camera becomes unbalance. So you had to set up a proper rig to make it work. Then at the end, you lost the point of using a small full frame mirrorless camera. If its a corporate job. Thats fine. I make the camera even bigger, Lol. But if you are doing a lot of run and gun shooting, such as wedding and holiday video. internal 4K is so much better. Thirdly, “S-Log 2 in 800ISO”. For seriously filming, I always go S-Log 2. Because you get better dynamic range out of the camera. But of course, you need extra time for post. The minimum ISO for S-Log 2 is 3200 on A7S. Sometime the footage just too noisy during the day. But this A7RII minimum ISO is 800. So you get much nicer day time footage from the A7RII S-Log 2. So I have pointed out so many good things about this camera, is this A7RII being a perfect camera? No. There is no perfect camera. This A7RII does have a few drawback. Firstly, battery life. I can’t believe Sony still giving us an old small NEX battery. Even when I was using my A7S. Battery life wasn’t that good already. But now this A7RII is even worse when shooting internal 4K. Its crazy. Maybe Sony likes to give the camera a limitation. So if you need long day shooting, you should be considering the bigger brother FS-7. Secondly, “Overheating Issue”. At the moment, its winter in Australia. So I haven’t had any problem just yet. I can shoot 4K all the time without any overheating issue. Not too sure Sony will fix that in firmware update or not. Because this is not a cheap camera. I hope they really gonna come up something within few months. Thirdly, "Low light performance”. Unlike the A7S, this camera is not made for shooting in the dark. You do get decent lowlight performance. But just not comparable with A7S. I would say below 12,800. The image still acceptable. But I wouldn't shoot more than 6,400ISO on this camera just to be safe.I have made a Pros and Cons list of this A7RII camera. But thats just my personal opinion. A7RII ProsSmall Camera body with full frame sensorFull Pixel Read Out in Super 35 modeInternal 4K recording120fps slow mode can now be done in Full Frame mode (A7S crops automatically when shooting 120p) S-Log 2 is 800ISO now (Unlike the A7S, S Log 2 starting from 3200ISO) 5 Axis Image StabilizationAcceptable Low light performance (Not perfect)A7RII ConsPoor battery lifeOverheatingPriceyHope you like this video, the part two should be out pretty soon. Thanks for watching, please subscribe for more videos.DSI Pictures Entertainment 2015Lens used: EF 24-70mm f/2.8 II USMMetabones EF to E mount T SpeedBooster UltraFilmed and edited by Steve ChanMusic: Where to gowww.dsipictures.comComing up next: Last Holiday in Melbourne
タグ: a7rii, video, lowlight


