CASIO EX-F1 - My Settings Test - 1

2049 日 前, 210 観覧
This may be boring to some but I just wanted to test the settings after our Hangout last evening. I hosted a Hangout with taofledermaus, FuzzyDicePimp and GunWebsites and the topic was camera talk on the Casio EX-F1 so today I made a test video.The first thing that is obvious to me and we actually spoke about in our Hangout was that lighting is everything I had a 500 watt halogen work light on the subject and barely had enough light to get a decent video recording. I am sure I will continue to learn how to capture great images with this camera.The narrow bands are shot at 1200 fps and the larger at 600 fps.My next test will be with some sort of firearm. It was overcast today and there was no way I was going to have enough light for that so this is it for today :)Music: "Drops of H2O ( The Filtered Water Treatment )" by J.Lang (feat. Airtone) licensed under a Creative Commons license:


