2301 日 前,
220 観覧
2301 日 前,
220 観覧
Visit http://www.pentaxk5slr.com - The features, ease of use, quality of build, and results from this Pentax K5 DSLR camera put it at the top of its class. Pentax K5 does tend to overheat (warning) with intense use of the LV screen. This can be avoided by switching to the DSLR viewer. The battery life is more than adequate. It works very well with the Metz 58 AF-1 flash. It has a built in valometer in its firmware. Firmware updates are easy. It lacks autofocus in video mode. With quality glass, this camera can't be beat in the APS-C category. It has an lcd mounted on top in addition to the LV screen (which is not articulated), a rarity in cameras today. It also has a genuine prism for the view finder, not a mirror.All in all, this camera body is weatherproofed and very satisfying. It is comfortable for those with large hands (like mine). This might be the last camera most amateurs would ever need/want. Too few brick and mortar retail stores carry it, however. Tamaron makes some quality lenses for Pentax that have excellent optics, though aren't weatherproofed. There are a number of prime lenses that can be used to 'pull focus' while using the video feature.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1C6dj...