α9 || First Shooting Test

2247 日 前, 97 観覧
So we finally received an α9 and G Master 100-400mm lens. Sean, Sony Australia & New Zealand's Senior Product Specialist for Digital Imaging hasn't let it out of his sight. He’s been out shooting every waking minute since the camera arrived. We miss him at work!In this video, Sean shares some of his shots from the weekend, and talks about a few of the awesome new features and amazing things you can capture with it. If you have any questions for Sean, feel free to comment below or on our Facebook or Instagram pages. Haven't registered for local α9 updates yet? Do it today to get the latest info before everyone else : http://bit.ly/2pEeFU1Missed the first video? Watch it here http://bit.ly/2pAOETW
タグ: first, shooting


