Make your phone DSLR with SONY QX10 portable camera Lens. Buy from Amazon

2228 日 前, 236 観覧
This is the video about Sony QX10 portable camera lens which make your phone camera incredible like DSLR camera . You can use this camera lens as your professional camera which increase your mobile phone camera quality and it is easily fit in your pocket.So, put your phone in one pocket and camera lens in another and Take Pictures. YOU CAN BUY IT FROM AMAZON.SONY QX10 (amazon link) :-यह वीडियो एक कैमरा लेंस का है जो आपके फ़ोन को ये DSLR में बदल देगा । और इस लेंस को इधर -उधर ले जाने में भी कोई तकलीफ नही होगी क्योंकि यह आपके पॉकेट में फिट हो जाएगा । तो अपने ये पॉकेट में अपना फ़ोन रखिये और दूसरे में कैमरा लेंस और निकल पढ़िए फोटो खिंचाने । आप इसे AMAZON से खरीद सकाते है।IF YOU LIKE THE VIDEO GIVE A "THUMPS UP"AND IF YOU ARE NEW HEREPRESS THE "SUBSCRIBE" BUTTONAND IF YOU HAVE ANY question GIVE A "COMMENT" DOWN BELOWAbhishek Bhardawaj Desi TechXpertIf enjoy the video and want to inspire me making more video like this_____________________________________plz LIKE the video and SUBSCRIBE the channel_____________________________________FOLLOW ON:-FACEBOOK :- 1. Research than Buy 2. If you don't Need , there is No Need to BuyI AM ABHISHEK BHARDAWAJ AS A DESITECHBOY


