2216 日 前,
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2216 日 前,
253 観覧
α6500を買って、最初の撮影のテスト地として浅草を選びました。誰もが認める非常に見栄えのするところでうってつけだろうと思ったのです。僕にとって初めての4K動画の撮影と投稿になります。Quicktimeを通して出来上がった物を見た時、さすがの解像度には驚きました。言及すべき美点は多々有りましたが、テスト動画と言うには撮影が面白すぎて撮影をなかなか止められませんでした。カメラを持ってどこかを巡ってこれほど楽しい気分を味わうのは久しぶりで、本当にα6500と僕との相性は良かったのでしょう。良い買い物でした。特に良かった点は4K撮影においても、フレームが一切クロップされず、16:9の写真と同じ構図で撮影できることです。一応ダイヤルに専用の動画の項目がありますが、僕は写真のMモードからそのまま動画撮影ボタンを押して動画も撮っています。RX10でも全画素読み出しですでにそういう機構は搭載していたようですが4Kでもこれができるとは驚きました。またこの動画をテスト動画と位置づけるにあたって、非常に面白い条件のもとで撮影しています。この動画はEマウントレンズを一切使っておらず(そもそも僕は持っていない)α77、55で使い続けてきたAマウントレンズ二種を(SAL18250,SAL1650)マウントアダプターLA-EA3で接続して使っています。どの程度参考になるかわかりませんがご覧になる方のお役に立てば幸いです。I visited Asakusa to test my new camera Alpha 6500.This is my first field test.I chose Asakusa as the first location in order to activate this camera.I took all the snaps in 4K resolution,Super 35mm.This is my first experience to take footage in 4K resolution,edit it and upload it to the sharing service like YouTube.I felt so good during this day trip,it was so fun to shoot around this cultural and historical area.As you know,this area is extremely photogenic.After editing this movie and viewing it on Quicktime player,I was so astonished by the resolution of the movie and I deeply thought that it was so nice for me to bought this camera Alpha 6500.This camera made me think so as soon as it functioned in my hands.It was really good purchase.Although I said this movie is test,the quality of the snaps made me satisfied so much and I couldn't stop shooting videos in Asakusa so easily.The first impression this one gave me is really great.This experience told me how greatly the recent products have been innovated.Other elements this camera has except for resolution are also so wonderful such as color,the size of frame,or the conditions of user friendly.The function that made me surprised most and helps most is the size of frame,surprisingly,it is not changed when shooting footage in the frame of 16:9.We can shoot videos on the same setting which we shoot still shots.The frame is not cropped.I shoot all the snaps in my unique conditions maybe other users usually don't do.I combined Sony A mount lens with Alpha6500 E mount camera.They are SAL18250 and SAL1650.I have no E mount lens.Many people say the resolution of SAL18250 is not so high and not good,however we can not use autofocus in the condition,I was satisfied with the quality of snaps,I think they are so beautiful.With SAL1650,we can use brilliant 4D focus on Alpha6500 adapted only by LA-EA3 mount adaptor.It was a bit impressing when I saw this focusing was functioning actually.