2248 日 前,
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2248 日 前,
278 観覧
I sat down with my good friend Roy Cruz during a short trip down to his city of Tongyeong to chat about our feelings towards the new Fujifilm X-H1. We've both been working with it for almost two weeks now and wanted to share our thoughts on topics like the size and weight, IBIS, video features, battery life, and what we feel could be improved. Stay tuned to the end for a series of photo and video samples made with the X-H1. You can find me at:http://www.tattoosofasia.comhttp://www.dylangoldby.comhttps://www.instagram.com/dylangoldby...https://www.facebook.com/dylangoldbyp...Check out my review on Fstoppers as well:https://fstoppers.com/originals/fstop...You can find Roy at:http://www.roycruz.comhttps://youtube.com/user/roytc17https://www.instagram.com/roycruzphotohttps://www.facebook.com/roycruzphoto/Also check out Roy's first thoughts over at: http://blog.roycruz.com/fujifilm-x-h1...Pick up your X-H1 at Amazon here: http://amzn.to/2tZQzZMOr get it with the grip here: http://amzn.to/2G2DCTRDon't forget to get plenty of NP-W126 batteries: http://amzn.to/2u4Qx2WLaowa 9mm f/2.8: http://www.venuslens.net/product/9mm/...