Canon 6D vs. Canon 7D Mark II

1990 日 前, 336 観覧
To see the in depth comparison between the Canon 6D and 7D Mark II check out the post on my travel photography blog here: is a video I've been planning to do for a long time, and finally got around to it today: a comparison between the Canon 6D and Canon 7D Mark II. A Canon 6d vs. Canon 7D Mark II video, if you will.Now, it might not seem completely fair to do a video like this. These two cameras are so completely different in many ways. And, they each have their purposes. For example, the Canon 7D Mark II is seen as a crop sensor action camera that shoots fast and is suited for sports and wildlife. On the other hand, the Canon 6D is a full frame camera without a lot, in terms of bells and whistles, that is affordable and very well suited for landscape and nature photography.However, there is one thing that is very comparable between the Canon 6D and the 7D Mark II and that's the price point. Each of these cameras is around $1700. So, in case you're in the market for a new camera body and can only afford something in this price range, you might be looking at these two and trying which you should buy.So my thoughts? Which camera should you buy the Canon 6D or the Canon 7D mark ii? My answers might surprise you.


