Pentax K-3 Prestige Edition DSLR Camera Body Only Gunmetal review

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50% OFF all DSLR cameras hurry-up K-3 Prestige Edition DSLR Camera Body Only Gunmetal critique While they do come with good auto modes the manual controls are generally built in in such a way that they are at the photographers finger tips as they are shooting. . While my point and shoot has a nice little 3x Optical Zoom (and many these days have longer ones) my DSLR can be fitted with many high quality lenses ranging from wide angle to super long focal lengths depending upon what I’m photographing (and of course my budget). .Add to this a large range of other accessories (flashes, filters etc) and a DSLR can be adapted to many different situations. .It should be noted that when it comes to lenses that the diversity in quality of lenses is great. .Image quality is impacted greatly by the quality of the lens you use. . Unlike point-and-shoot camera models, which record light (and therefore an image) onto an electronic sensor directly, a DSLR uses a mirror to bounce the light from a scene through an internal system and into a viewfinder or an electronic sensor, in the case of an open shutter. . There’s no denying it, this is a big purchase for you. .No, you’re not looking for a top-of-the-line, full-featured beast this go round; you need the best possible piece of equipment for a reasonable price. .You need bang for your buck – here is your guide to buying the right DSLR. . While current-generation point-and-shoots can be great products, DSLR’s do have a few advantages. . There is a lens out there for virtually every application you can imagine. . Light enters through the lens and bounces off a mirror to travel through a prism before ending up at the viewfinder. .When you press the shutter button, the mirror flips up, allowing light to hit the camera's image sensor which creates the photo. .Mirrorless cameras lack the mirror that DSLR cameras have. .The absence of a mirror and optical viewfinder are why mirrorless cameras tend to be smaller and lighter than DSLRs. . This chart lists a few of the benefits of DSLR and mirrorless cameras that should be considered when deciding which type of camera is best for you. .Digital photography, first and foremost, is about light. . Once you learn how to work with light and how to compose your images, you can start taking stunning photographs and your gear won’t matter that much. . Most people that shoot with point-and-shoot cameras don’t even know how to operate them. .They just put their cameras in “Auto” mode and don’t bother to figure out important camera settings and modes. .True, “Auto” modes are great, but if you look back at all your photos, did your camera produce great photographs every time you took a picture. .I’m sure it didn’t. . It was our testimonial of the Pentax K-3 Prestige Edition DSLR Camera Body Only Gunmetal.


