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Panasonic Lumix GH4 Video Test 4KThis is the Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH4 video test. Sorry there has been a little delay for this GH4 4K video test due to a recent holiday in Melbourne and then waiting for good weather back in Perth. So what's cool about this camera? Yes, 4K video shooting. I have been waiting for so long. 4 years ago. I had a chance to work on one of the short film production where they were shooting in 4K (Red One Camera). I was just loved with the quality, the pixels, sharpness and details. So why didn't I get the Black Magic Production 4K camera last year? The reason is, the Black Magic 4K camera which is nice. But I do run and gun shoots quite often. Having 880mbps ProRes codec is just too much. I'm sure the quality is absolutely beautiful. But 5GB per minute in ProRes and even more if you are shooting RAW. Plus you have to spent some time to do the color grading as well. I personally have the BMPCC. First I really enjoy shooting RAW video. But after few weeks, I asked myself do I really need RAW video?? I shot a little holiday video and ended up having 450GB of footage!! That's too much for me.I really like the GH4 so far, the video is super sharp, low light performance is pretty decent too. I'll do some more video test about the camera in the future, such as the 200mbps shooting and the 96fps slowmo.Thanks for watching, for more video please subscribe to my channel. Thank you ^.^DSI Pictures Entertainment 2014Filmed and Edited by Steve ChanMusic by Berni Lawwww.dsipictures.comLens Used:Panasonic Lumix G X Vario 12-35mm f/2.8 ASPH LensPanasonic 35-100mm f/2.8 Lumix G Vario Zoom LensPanasonic Lumix G Vario 7-14mm f/4.0 ASPH Lens Olympus M.ZUIKO Digital 17mm f/1.8 Lens (Did not pick that shot in edit)Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 75mm f/1.8 Lens Coming up next: Panasonic GH4 VS Canon C100