Nikon F6 Nikon MB-40 Grip - eBay Product Test in 4k for Daytona Cameras

2371 日 前, 87 観覧 F6 Nikon MB-40 Grip - eBay Product Test for Daytona Cameras - PLEASE NOTE Frame rate with MB-40 is actually 8fps NOT 6fps as I stated in the video. Shot this in one take with no rehearsal which serves me right!A had originally intended to run a film through the camera to demonstrate the rewind function also, but the pristine condition of the film pressure plate dissuaded me last minute, during shooting. I would hate to have marked that beauty myself! All functions are guaranteed to work perfectly in the eBay sale at our eBay store below, if camera is not there it has been sold sorry! video shot with Sony FDR‑X1000V Action Cam (30fps/100Mbs)


