Fujifilm X-T10 Review in New York City's East Village

2415 日 前, 113 観覧
The Camera Project hangs out in New York City's East Village, for our review of the Fuji X-T10. Equipment for this review provided by Unique Photo, UniquePhoto.comLenses used: 35 f/1.4, 18-55 f/2.8-4, 10-24 f/4, 50-230 f/4-6.7Hosted by Josh Weiss (@LeftLensCapOn Instagram) and Alison Grasso (@grassowhat Instagram)Filmed by Eliza Bray and Sam ZuckerSee more including photos at our Google Plus Page:https://plus.google.com/ TheCameraPro...Follow us on Twitter at:https://twitter.com/@thecameraprojOh, and just so you know...we love spelling. So check out out other reviews!Check out our website:thecameraproj.comSee what we shoot with at thecameraproj.com/gear To see Josh's Street Photography, visit http://joshweiss.photography


