Better autofocus with the Olympus EM1 MKII

2422 日 前, 191 観覧
This video is a walk through of all the settings I use on the Olympus OMD EM1 Mark II for great auto-focus both S-AF and C-AF. There is so much to configure on this camera and while everyone will have preferences I hope this is a good primer on where to start when using this camera for general photography of people, weddings and events.Here are the 10 customizations I spoke about:1. Back Button Focus - Gear Menu - A1 - AEL/AFL - S-AF (mode 3) C-AF (mode 4)2. Lever Settings for changing between S-AF and C-AF - Gear Menu - B - Fn Lever Settings - Mode 23. C-AF Sensitivity -14. Under the auto focus points menu in A1 I turn off everything except the small AF points (squares)5. Target Home (A2) - Don't have it reset your AF Mode (uncheck)6. Target Home (A2) - You can regsiter a new home button here too7. AF Illulminator (A2) - On8. AF area pointer (A1) - On 19. Disable AF Clutch (A3)10. Ln-Fn - Gear Menu - B - Button Fuction, scroll down to L-Fn and choose a function if it helps.Follow Me: Facebook: Instagram: Instagram:’m an affiliate marketer with links to an online retailer and receive commissions for purchases made through these links and affiliated sitesOlympus OMD EM1 MKII:


