Canon SX50 vs. SX40

2369 日 前, 90 観覧
In which I discuss the similarities and differences between the SX40 (released in 2011) and the SX50 (2012) bridge cameras by Canon. Both are very capable cameras, with the same video capabilities, manual mode, and picture quality. Now for some things I missed:SX50 ($370) specs : ($319)specs: SX50 HAS RAW CAPABILITIES by default. (CHDK is helpful for the SX40)-SX50 has a lot more zoom noise in video, which is strange because the lens sound is quieter than the SX40. (I forgot to edit it in.)-The flash of the SX50 doesn't automatically pop-up, but now the flash is covered on the front, which means that the flash can only be raised from the side.-Video quality of the 2 cameras seem exactly the same, as I had these two cameras, but no way of recording the 2 cameras simultaneously. (I had to film with either the SX40 or the SX50, so whenever the SX40 is on screen, the SX50 is filming, and vice versa.)Let me know what you think about this video, and also tell me about anything I missed with the SX50. (But if the things are false, I will correct! :)


