Why the Leica M is so unique

2432 日 前, 144 観覧
The Leica M has been around for over 50 years, since its introduction in 1954 with the M3, but the formula has stayed pretty much the same. With much more technologically advanced cameras around, the Leica M9 seems quite low-tech in comparison. So it's no surprise that a lot of people ponder why the Leica M is still around today and why owners are so enthusiastic about owning and using the digital M8/M8.2 or M9(http://bit.ly/Leic-M9).Pricing Reference:http://www.digitalrev.com/product/lei...Connect with us:==================================Facebook: http://facebook.com/digitalrevTwitter: http://twitter.com/digitalrevGoogle : http://google.com/ digitalrevInstagram: http://instagram.com/digitalrevFlickr: http://flickr.com/digitalrevDigitalRev: http://digitalrev.com/digitalrevFancy Reading?==================================Bokeh by DigitalRev: http://bokeh.digitalrev.comThe fresher and funner photography readWatch More DRTV Videos==================================http://tv.digitalrev.comJoin DigitalRev Social and share your photos:==================================http://digitalrev.com/signuphttp://digitalrev.com/discoverShop DigitalRev Online Store:==================================http://digitalrev.com/shop


