2430 日 前,
61 観覧
2430 日 前,
61 観覧
If you're thinking of buying a Nikon Coolpix B500 in 2018 then you came to the right video. This was my very first video camera when i got started on Youtube. I bought this camera for only 300$. I've been working with cameras and editing for one year now and i have enough experience to say that this is a great camera for the money. The better you are at story telling, the better this camera will be. You can get really creative and make it work. I have made a ton of short films with this camera and this is probably the last video i make about this camera.Nikon coolpix b500: https://www.amazon.com/Nikon-COOLPIX-...Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yahir.films/Subscribe for more dope filmmaking/