Sony DSC-RX100M2 Review | John Sison

2445 日 前, 149 観覧
Please support my channel by purchasing the DSC-RX100M2 from this link - this video, I take a look at the follow up to Sony's RX100, the RX100M2. Arguably one of the best compact cameras on the market to date, it adds some useful features to make shooting and sharing your photos a lot easier and still retaining its compact body. ➫ F A C E B O O K - (@johnsisonphotos)➫ I N S T A G R A M - (@johnsison)➫ T W I T T E R - (@JohnSison_)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B U S I N E S S used to film this video: Sony a99 ( Zeiss 24-70mm F4 ( UWP-V1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I try to get back to everyone who asks me a question as quickly as possible but for me to 'Reply' to you, your gmail account has to be linked to your YouTube account. Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


