Sigma DP1, DP2 & DP3 Merrill Review & Comparison!

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Get The Full Review & Sample Images - Updated About The Sigma DP Merrill Cameras - Sigma DP Merrill camears get great reviews. They have amazing image quality but are small, light and unobtrusive. The X3 Foveon sensor gives incredible detail and colour, even zoomed in. But which camera is best? This is the Sigma DP Merrill camera comparison. The verdict? The DP1m with its 19mm (28mm equivalent on full frame) wide-angle lens is convenient but can be too wide. The DP3m has a 50mm (75mm) lens. It's a short telephoto and is amazing for portraits, giving beautiful bokeh and effectively no bokeh. It's also something of a macro lens, and you can fit more images into a panoramic stitch, rivalling medium format. The Sigma DP2m is the 'Goldilocks' middle-option with the standard lens. It's a good compromise.I'd recommend getting the Sigma DP1 and DP3 for a winning combination that's still very affordable. Otherwise, get the DP2, or decide whether a wide-angle or telephoto suits your photography style best and choose accordingly.Get The Full Review & Sample Images -


