2414 日 前,
79 観覧
2414 日 前,
79 観覧
We're investigating the use of consumer ultra-zooms for a range of robotic, environmental and infrastructure monitoring tasks. For $400 you can get an incredible 60x optical zoom camera with very good optical stabilization - opening up all sorts of possibilities that would not otherwise be possible. We'll be building on the work in our recently accepted paper:M. Milford, J. Firn, J. Beattie, A. Jacobson, E. Pepperell, E. Mason, M. Kimlin and M. Dunbabin, "Automated Sensory Data Alignment for Environmental and Epidermal Change Monitoring", in 2014 Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation.Music Details:Fabrizio Paterlini "Veloma""Vol. 30: aldartea" CLASSICALLicensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...